A revolution in digital discipleship.

A place of study or training in a special field. Academy. School. College. A Hub of thought. The epicenter of transformation.

Bryan Meadows presents The Creative’s Academy. A digital equipping tool for the Creative, Spiritual Leader, and Entrepreneur. This Brainery will host and house interactive schools and courses with topics ranging from Communication to Spiritual Gifts. Take courses À la cart or become a member and get full access. From books clubs to digital communities, the Creative’s Academy strives to give the user a wholistic diet of empowerment.
Become a Partner Today!
Sponges - Coming in August
How to Study the Bible - Coming in August
Soul Ties - Coming in September
Prophetic Science - November
Pivot - School of Leadership - Coming in September
The Cave- How to Handle being Hidden - Coming in November
Toxic Leadership - Spiritual Abuse (A recovery course after spiritual abuse) - Coming in December
Warfare 101 - Coming in October
***PIONEER PARTNER - Lifetime Membership $1299 (regular price)
**PREMIUM PARTNER - Annual Subscription
$799 (regular price)
*INDIVIDUAL COURSES - $149 (basic course)